Posts Tagged UCSB

West coast and binary code

g4515We’re back! Finally I’ve found some time to write, and some­thing to write about too! Me and Jacopo tem­porar­ily changed time­zone and ocean, as we are cur­rently work­ing at the Secu­rity Group of Cal­i­for­nia Uni­ver­sity, Santa Barbara.

Our cur­rent project is really inter­est­ing and could have far more appli­ca­tions than secu­rity. As it’s still in an early devel­op­ment phase, I will not yet delve in the details of our approach; let’s just say that we are work­ing on a very effi­cient way to han­dle data taint­ing and gen­eral binary code instru­men­ta­tion. As we are now get­ting to know very inti­mately the x86 machine code, we also found out that, even if a lot of opcodes are mapped in an almost sen­si­ble way, oth­ers are just scat­tered around in a seem­ingly ran­dom pat­tern. I guess that those were just added after the ini­tial design, and are prob­a­bly decoded by a WTF-is-this-instruction Unit. I can­not help think­ing ‘How sim­ple life would be if x86 were RISC’...’. Maybe we can still hope the Ita­nium stuff will come to the res­cue1, but prob­a­bly we are going to stick to this legacy from the 16-bit era for a long time. More on this next, I hope.

  1. But I, Jacopo, do not believe so. []

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