Archive for category Meetings and nice people


Hav­ing bought the flights I’m now sure I’ll be in Brux­elles, Bel­gium the 5 and 6 Feb­ru­ary to visit FOSDEM. As I always do I’ve orga­nized this too late, well after the dealines to apply for light­ning talks.

I’ve asked any­way if there are still 10 free min­utes, so there is a small chance that I’ll be able to give a short talk about lightspark while I’m there.

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Going to Guadec!

I'm attending GUADEC

I’ll soon be attend­ing my first big FLOSS con­fer­ence! GNOME devel­op­ers, enthu­si­asts, users and passer-bies, we’ll meet at GUADEC at the end of June, and we’ll see how gnomish the future is.

A big thank you to the GNOME foun­da­tion, that is spon­sor­ing me to stay at GUADEC and cre­ated this nice green badge full of happy peo­ple (or peo­ple push­ing up the GNOME logo? Maybe it’s falling down? Hope they’re fine).

Mean­while, I’ll keep try­ing mak­ing GTG more awesome!

update: Guess I’m still a begin­ner in blog­ging, since I’ve messed up the title. This is not my GSoC weekly report, obviously :)

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