Archive for June, 2010

Getting Things GNOME!    —    GSoC review (#5)

Another GSoC week has gone, and my project with “Get­ting Things Gnome!” has moved forward.

We now have a com­plete tomboy back­end. Tomboy notes match­ing a par­tic­u­lar @tag (you can con­fig­ure mul­ti­ple tags, or get all notes) are imported in GTG. The syn­chro­niza­tion is both ways: if you change  some­thing in Tomboy, GTG will be updated and vice versa (and GTG doesn’t need to be run­ning when the mod­i­fi­ca­tion is done).

That back­end comes with a unit test, which has helped me spot a few bugs. The tomboy dbus inter­face is syn­chro­nous, which cou­pled with the pres­ence of a Global Inter­preter Lock in python, has caused a few weird hangs dur­ing exe­cu­tion, as threads were not really indipen­dent. Any­way, now every­thing seems to work fine :D

Sec­ondly, the new back­end frame­work has landed in GTG Trunk, so my work is start­ing to be tested by a few reck­less testers. Thanks!

Lastly, I’ve been work­ing on a Launch­pad back­end, which imports (read only) the bugs assigned to you on that bug tracker. This one still needs a lit­tle work, as I’ve started work­ing on it yes­ter­day, but it will be ready and tested for next week. The syn­chro­niza­tion engine, which is com­mon for all back­ends (and generic, as the only require­ments it has is that objects it syncs have unique id and a mod­i­fi­ca­tion date), really does most of the work.

As usual, a screen­shot with the Launch­pad back­end at work:

Next week I’ll work a lit­tle less, as I have my “pre-degree” exam. I’ve already done most of the things I’ve put in my pro­posal (I’m miss­ing the RTM and Evo­lu­tion back­ends, which are just a mat­ter of con­vert­ing my old plu­g­ins, and a couchdb back­end –which was optional, but I cer­tantly have the time to do it), so I’m con­fi­dent I will fin­ish in time.

Have a good weekend!


Getting Things GNOME!    —    GSoC review (#5)

Another GSoC week has gone, and my project with “Get­ting Things Gnome!” has moved forward.

We now have a com­plete tomboy back­end. Tomboy notes match­ing a par­tic­u­lar @tag (you can con­fig­ure mul­ti­ple tags, or get all notes) are imported in GTG. The syn­chro­niza­tion is both ways: if you change  some­thing in Tomboy, GTG will be updated and vice versa (and GTG doesn’t need to be run­ning when the mod­i­fi­ca­tion is done).

That back­end comes with a unit test, which has helped me spot a few bugs. The tomboy dbus inter­face is syn­chro­nous, which cou­pled with the pres­ence of a Global Inter­preter Lock in python, has caused a few weird hangs dur­ing exe­cu­tion, as threads were not really indipen­dent. Any­way, now every­thing seems to work fine :D

Sec­ondly, the new back­end frame­work has landed in GTG Trunk, so my work is start­ing to be tested by a few reck­less testers. Thanks!

Lastly, I’ve been work­ing on a Launch­pad back­end, which imports (read only) the bugs assigned to you on that bug tracker. This one still needs a lit­tle work, as I’ve started work­ing on it yes­ter­day, but it will be ready and tested for next week. The syn­chro­niza­tion engine, which is com­mon for all back­ends (and generic, as the only require­ments it has is that objects it syncs have unique id and a mod­i­fi­ca­tion date), really does most of the work.

As usual, a screen­shot with the Launch­pad back­end at work:

Next week I’ll work a lit­tle less, as I have my “pre-degree” exam. I’ve already done most of the things I’ve put in my pro­posal (I’m miss­ing the RTM and Evo­lu­tion back­ends, which are just a mat­ter of con­vert­ing my old plu­g­ins, and a couchdb back­end –which was optional, but I cer­tantly have the time to do it), so I’m con­fi­dent I will fin­ish in time.

Have a good weekend!


Lightspark, on the road to release 0.4.2

I’ve not been post­ing for a while, but devel­op­ment of Lightspark is going on fast and well. I’ve to iron out a cou­ple of issues before we get back sup­port for YouTube AS3 player, which was lost after another site update. Since the last release a lot of work has been done and basic sound sup­port has been added using PulseAu­dio.

Please fol­low the project RoadMap to keep track of what’s going on. As you may have noticed I’ve moved the lightspark home page to trac, although only for the wiki. The bug tracker is still on Launch­pad. You may find inter­est­ing the Work­ingSiteList where I’m gath­er­ing a few sam­ple flash appli­ca­tions which are known to work and a screen­shot to ver­ify that every­thing is work­ing as expected.

Expect news very soon!


Lightspark, on the road to release 0.4.2

I’ve not been post­ing for a while, but devel­op­ment of Lightspark is going on fast and well. I’ve to iron out a cou­ple of issues before we get back sup­port for YouTube AS3 player, which was lost after another site update. Since the last release a lot of work has been done and basic sound sup­port has been added using PulseAu­dio.

Please fol­low the project RoadMap to keep track of what’s going on. As you may have noticed I’ve moved the lightspark home page to trac, although only for the wiki. The bug tracker is still on Launch­pad. You may find inter­est­ing the Work­ingSiteList where I’m gath­er­ing a few sam­ple flash appli­ca­tions which are known to work and a screen­shot to ver­ify that every­thing is work­ing as expected.

Expect news very soon!


Getting Things GNOME!   —   GSoC review (#4)

Another week has gone, and new ways to syn­chro­nize things to do have landed in my “Get­ting Things Gnome!” branch.

First of all, there is a new two-way syn­chro­niza­tion engine for tasks (com­plete with test cases), which will be the core of all the back­ends to come.

The first back­end using that is the new TOMBOY–GTG syn­chro­niza­tion: the idea behind this one is that some of you are used to use tomboy to take quick notes, but then they real­ize that they also need that note in their todo list. With this back­end, just adding a tag to the note (like “@tomboy-gtg”) will auto­mat­i­cally add that note to GTG the next time you start it.

So, basi­cally, it’s a way to super­power some of your notes, giv­ing them a way to get sched­uled in your super-busy third-millennium life.

Screen­shot is due:

For now, two-way sync is work­ing for all tasks (not fil­ter­ing them yet), and a few bugs have to be ironed out, the most impor­tant of which is that GTG some­time issues the dele­tion of all tasks when it’s quit­ting (which is rather unpleasant).

Next week, I’m plan­ning to get this plu­gin ready for the users. Then, I think the Remem­ber The Milk back­end will fol­low, and shortly after Evo­lu­tion and CouchDb.


Getting Things GNOME!   —   GSoC review (#4)

Another week has gone, and new ways to syn­chro­nize things to do have landed in my “Get­ting Things Gnome!” branch.

First of all, there is a new two-way syn­chro­niza­tion engine for tasks (com­plete with test cases), which will be the core of all the back­ends to come.

The first back­end using that is the new TOMBOY–GTG syn­chro­niza­tion: the idea behind this one is that some of you are used to use tomboy to take quick notes, but then they real­ize that they also need that note in their todo list. With this back­end, just adding a tag to the note (like “@tomboy-gtg”) will auto­mat­i­cally add that note to GTG the next time you start it.

So, basi­cally, it’s a way to super­power some of your notes, giv­ing them a way to get sched­uled in your super-busy third-millennium life.

Screen­shot is due:

For now, two-way sync is work­ing for all tasks (not fil­ter­ing them yet), and a few bugs have to be ironed out, the most impor­tant of which is that GTG some­time issues the dele­tion of all tasks when it’s quit­ting (which is rather unpleasant).

Next week, I’m plan­ning to get this plu­gin ready for the users. Then, I think the Remem­ber The Milk back­end will fol­low, and shortly after Evo­lu­tion and CouchDb.


5 questions nearer to GUADEC

1)Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Luca Inv­ernizzi, a quar­ter of a cen­tury old Ital­ian stu­dent. In a cou­ple of weeks I’ll be grad­u­at­ing in Con­trol Engi­neer­ing at the lean­ing Uni­ver­sity of Pisa and in the fall I’ll fly to Cal­i­for­nia for a Ph.D. in Com­puter Sci­ence (at UCSB).  Right now, I’m a Google Sum­mer of Code stu­dent work­ing on “Get­ting Things GNOME!”.

Whow, lots of Cap­i­tal Let­ters, my pinkie is hurting.

2) How did you get into GNOME?

It started as a way to keep my cod­ing skills sharp, but then I got addicted to con­tribut­ing. It’s great to work together and see our lit­tle app growing.

3) Why are you com­ing to GUADEC?
This will be my first FLOSS con­fer­ence, and it will be an occa­sion to meet the peo­ple I’ll been col­lab­o­rat­ing with. AFAIK, they may be all very smart IRC bots :D

4) In 1 sen­tence, describe what your most favorite recent GNOME project has been.
Get­ting Things GN... Jokosher! I just dis­cov­ered  that I can plug in my acus­tic gui­tar and have fun with effects.

5) Will this be your first time vis­it­ing the Nether­lands?
I’ve been to the Nether­lands for just a lit­tle more than one day so far, so it will be like my first time.

I'm attending GUADEC


5 questions nearer to GUADEC

1)Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Luca Inv­ernizzi, a quar­ter of a cen­tury old Ital­ian stu­dent. In a cou­ple of weeks I’ll be grad­u­at­ing in Con­trol Engi­neer­ing at the lean­ing Uni­ver­sity of Pisa and in the fall I’ll fly to Cal­i­for­nia for a Ph.D. in Com­puter Sci­ence (at UCSB).  Right now, I’m a Google Sum­mer of Code stu­dent work­ing on “Get­ting Things GNOME!”.

Whow, lots of Cap­i­tal Let­ters, my pinkie is hurting.

2) How did you get into GNOME?

It started as a way to keep my cod­ing skills sharp, but then I got addicted to con­tribut­ing. It’s great to work together and see our lit­tle app growing.

3) Why are you com­ing to GUADEC?
This will be my first FLOSS con­fer­ence, and it will be an occa­sion to meet the peo­ple I’ll been col­lab­o­rat­ing with. AFAIK, they may be all very smart IRC bots :D

4) In 1 sen­tence, describe what your most favorite recent GNOME project has been.
Get­ting Things GN... Jokosher! I just dis­cov­ered  that I can plug in my acus­tic gui­tar and have fun with effects.

5) Will this be your first time vis­it­ing the Nether­lands?
I’ve been to the Nether­lands for just a lit­tle more than one day so far, so it will be like my first time.

I'm attending GUADEC


Getting Things GNOME!  —  GSoC review (#3)

I’m pleased to announce the first two new back­ends for “Get­ting Things Gnome!”: a twit­ter and an backend.

Those are import back­ends, mean­ing that your dents/tweets will appear in your GTG tasks. In par­tic­u­lar, the mes­sage will be parsed like this:

“this will be the task title, this will be the task descrip­tion #sometag @alsoatag”.

There is no sup­port for start/due dates yet.

Obvi­ously you will not want every dent/tweet in your GTG tasks, so you can choose to just import direct messages/@ replies/your own mes­sages, and select only mes­sages with one or more tags match­ing the a set of tags.

Screen­shots time!

Adding a backend:

Con­fig­ur­ing it:

If you type your pass­word incor­rectly, you will be notified:

If the con­nec­tion can­not be estab­lished, you will be noti­fied in a sim­i­lar way only if network-manager reports that at least one of your net­work devices is con­nected (oth­er­wise, GTG assumes you know you’re offline :) ). Pass­words are stored in the gnome-keyring.

Apart from the new back­ends, this week has seen improve­ments in the back­end frame­work and fixes, as always.

Next week will be quite busy for me, as the dead­line for my the­sis is approach­ing. I’m plan­ning to work on read/write back­end sup­port. I’m cur­rently devel­op­ing a directory-based back­end (each file in the direc­tory is a task) for test­ing pur­poses, but I’d like to start work­ing on a Tomboy back­end: notes in Tomboy hav­ing a par­tic­u­lar tag (like @importfromtomboy) will be auto­mat­i­cally imported in GTG.


Getting Things GNOME!  —  GSoC review (#3)

I’m pleased to announce the first two new back­ends for “Get­ting Things Gnome!”: a twit­ter and an backend.

Those are import back­ends, mean­ing that your dents/tweets will appear in your GTG tasks. In par­tic­u­lar, the mes­sage will be parsed like this:

“this will be the task title, this will be the task descrip­tion #sometag @alsoatag”.

There is no sup­port for start/due dates yet.

Obvi­ously you will not want every dent/tweet in your GTG tasks, so you can choose to just import direct messages/@ replies/your own mes­sages, and select only mes­sages with one or more tags match­ing the a set of tags.

Screen­shots time!

Adding a backend:

Con­fig­ur­ing it:

If you type your pass­word incor­rectly, you will be notified:

If the con­nec­tion can­not be estab­lished, you will be noti­fied in a sim­i­lar way only if network-manager reports that at least one of your net­work devices is con­nected (oth­er­wise, GTG assumes you know you’re offline :) ). Pass­words are stored in the gnome-keyring.

Apart from the new back­ends, this week has seen improve­ments in the back­end frame­work and fixes, as always.

Next week will be quite busy for me, as the dead­line for my the­sis is approach­ing. I’m plan­ning to work on read/write back­end sup­port. I’m cur­rently devel­op­ing a directory-based back­end (each file in the direc­tory is a task) for test­ing pur­poses, but I’d like to start work­ing on a Tomboy back­end: notes in Tomboy hav­ing a par­tic­u­lar tag (like @importfromtomboy) will be auto­mat­i­cally imported in GTG.