Archive for May, 2009

Dodge this.

Snd driver example

Snd dri­ver example

The Player Project is a dif­fi­cult beast to describe. On its site is it pre­sented in this way

The Player Project cre­ates Free Soft­ware that enables research in robot and sen­sor systems.

Even Wikipedia care­fully avoids a definition:

The Player Project (for­merly the Player/Stage Project or Player/Stage/Gazebo Project) is a project to cre­ate free soft­ware for research into robot­ics and sen­sor sys­tems. Its com­po­nents include the PlayerStage and Gazebo robot plat­form sim­u­la­tors. Although accu­rate sta­tis­tics are hard to obtain, Player is prob­a­bly the most-used robot inter­face in research and post-secondary education.

Well, what­ever this soft­ware frame­work is, it can speed up devel­op­ing algo­rithms for mov­ing robots quite a lot.

From today on, I hope that this speed up will be a lit­tle bit greater, since <trum­pet blows> I’ve released the first ver­sion of the “Smooth Near­ness Dia­gram Nav­i­ga­tion” algo­rithm, which per­forms obsta­cle avoid­ance quite well (at least on sim­u­lated robots and on the Erratic robot). You can find the patch here (against cur­rent svn), and hope­fully some­day it will be inte­grated in trunk.

The SND algo­rithm, a crea­ture of Joey Durham, is an improve­ment over the ND dri­ver (that was already in Player). The paper which presents it is here.


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Dodge this.

Snd driver example

Snd dri­ver example

The Player Project is a dif­fi­cult beast to describe. On its site is it pre­sented in this way

The Player Project cre­ates Free Soft­ware that enables research in robot and sen­sor systems.

Even Wikipedia care­fully avoids a definition:

The Player Project (for­merly the Player/Stage Project or Player/Stage/Gazebo Project) is a project to cre­ate free soft­ware for research into robot­ics and sen­sor sys­tems. Its com­po­nents include the PlayerStage and Gazebo robot plat­form sim­u­la­tors. Although accu­rate sta­tis­tics are hard to obtain, Player is prob­a­bly the most-used robot inter­face in research and post-secondary education.

Well, what­ever this soft­ware frame­work is, it can speed up devel­op­ing algo­rithms for mov­ing robots quite a lot.

From today on, I hope that this speed up will be a lit­tle bit greater, since <trum­pet blows> I’ve released the first ver­sion of the “Smooth Near­ness Dia­gram Nav­i­ga­tion” algo­rithm, which per­forms obsta­cle avoid­ance quite well (at least on sim­u­lated robots and on the Erratic robot). You can find the patch here (against cur­rent svn), and hope­fully some­day it will be inte­grated in trunk.

The SND algo­rithm, a crea­ture of Joey Durham, is an improve­ment over the ND dri­ver (that was already in Player). The paper which presents it is here.


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