Archive for May, 2009

The misterious Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) Italian exploit — Part II

After read­ing Jacopo’s arti­cle on WPAD, I’ve tried to under­stand the Ital­ian global

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
        //regular expression/complexity supported?
        if ( (shExpMatch(url, "http://*g*ad*nd*c*m*sh*ds*js")) || (shExpMatch(url, "http*//*s*st*mp*tn*sk*p*") && !shExpMatch(url, "http*//*n*o.*")) ) { return "PROXY; DIRECT"; }
        return "DIRECT";

The proxy

First thing that con­cerned me is that the IP address used as proxy is pol­ish:
$host domain name pointer

It’s reg­is­tered to a guy in Wlo­clawek, and it’s been up since Decem­ber 2008, so it’s pretty new.  The hosted site is syn­da­cated, which it’s usu­ally a fishy sign.

The syn­tax

The scripts pro­vides a fall back pol­icy to direct con­nec­tion to avoid server over­load, as described in wikipedia

 return "PROXY; DIRECT"

The reg­u­lar expression

I’ve down­loaded Alexa top 1-million sites list, which is daily updated, and I dis­cov­ered that the sec­ond reg­u­lar expression,


gets one and only one match: a pol­ish inter­net trad­ing site.

$cat top-1m.csv |sed -ne "s/.*s.*st.*mp.*tn.*sk.*p.*/&/p"

The first reg­u­lar expres­sion, even with­out the ini­tial and final part, does not match any site in Alexa first million.

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The misterious Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) Italian exploit — Part II

After read­ing Jacopo’s arti­cle on WPAD, I’ve tried to under­stand the Ital­ian global

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
        //regular expression/complexity supported?
        if ( (shExpMatch(url, "http://*g*ad*nd*c*m*sh*ds*js")) || (shExpMatch(url, "http*//*s*st*mp*tn*sk*p*") && !shExpMatch(url, "http*//*n*o.*")) ) { return "PROXY; DIRECT"; }
        return "DIRECT";

The proxy

First thing that con­cerned me is that the IP address used as proxy is pol­ish:
$host domain name pointer

It’s reg­is­tered to a guy in Wlo­clawek, and it’s been up since Decem­ber 2008, so it’s pretty new.  The hosted site is syn­da­cated, which it’s usu­ally a fishy sign.

The syn­tax

The scripts pro­vides a fall back pol­icy to direct con­nec­tion to avoid server over­load, as described in wikipedia

 return "PROXY; DIRECT"

The reg­u­lar expression

I’ve down­loaded Alexa top 1-million sites list, which is daily updated, and I dis­cov­ered that the sec­ond reg­u­lar expression,


gets one and only one match: a pol­ish inter­net trad­ing site.

$cat top-1m.csv |sed -ne "s/.*s.*st.*mp.*tn.*sk.*p.*/&/p"

The first reg­u­lar expres­sion, even with­out the ini­tial and final part, does not match any site in Alexa first million.

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The misterious Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) Italian exploit — Part I

The net­work here at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Stud­ies is quite com­pli­cated, so some­times the only way to solve a con­nec­tiv­ity prob­lem is to open Wire­shark and start look­ing around. As you may know, Win­dows boxes are quite chatty and they love to send out Net­BIOS broad­cast pack­ets to resolve names, elect popes, fight back with anti-popes, and so on. But this time I noticed some­thing strange in the broad­cast jam: a PC was con­ti­nously try­ing to reach the inex­is­tent WPAD.SSSUP.IT machine.

I got curi­ous, looked up what WPAD is, and found a cou­ple of inter­est­ing things.

What the heck is this WPAD thing?

It turns out Inter­net Explorer devel­op­ers thought an orga­ni­za­tion might wish to set up elab­o­rate rules for www prox­y­ing. There­fore, they devised a way for net­work admins to auto­con­fig­ure IE proxy set­tings: the Web Proxy Auto­matic Dis­cov­ery Pro­to­col (WPAD).  All major browsers cur­rently sup­port this fea­ture. Note that many appli­ca­tions on Win­dows default to fol­low­ing IE proxy set­tings, so the Man-In-The-Middle poten­tial is very high.

Basi­cally, the browser issues a request for 1, which should con­tain a Javascript-like func­tion called Find­Prox­y­ForURL. The func­tion can use wild­card match­ing to spec­ify dif­fer­ent prox­ies for dif­fer­ent addresses. All the gory details are avail­able at

Exploit­ing WPAD

Things can get com­pli­cated if you have a sub­do­main (e.g. if your com­puter is called then is tried too), but the key point is the same: if some­one hijacks one of your wpad names, sophis­ti­cated Man-In-The-Middle attacks are pos­si­ble. Since net­work admins often for­get to setup a wpad host for their domain, Win­dows may try to query in mul­ti­ple ways — even by broad­cast­ing a Net­BIOS request, which is triv­ial to inter­cept on a local net­work.2

Now, auto-configuration of net­work para­me­ters is very use­ful. Tools like DHCP and traspar­ent prox­ies are in wide use. How­ever, this kind of auto-configuration brings risks: rogue DHCP servers can be trans­par­ent to users and pos­si­bly avoid detec­tion. DHCP is a very well known pro­to­col and net­work admins have long learnt to watch out for sus­pi­cious DHCP activ­ity. WPAD is — in com­par­i­son — a some­what obscure pro­to­col. Buggy pro­grams (and lax poli­cies by domain reg­is­trars) cre­ate a sneaky exploit opportunity.

The DNS beast

As you might have guessed, Win­dows should stop short of the top-level domain .com in its quest for a wpad.dat. How­ever, two issues come into play:

  1. On cer­tain buggy ver­sions, the global is requested. Now, the domain has been taken by a (let’s hope) good guy, who chose not to serve a wpad.dat. But what about other Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) like or
  2. Some coun­tries (like Italy) allow you to reg­is­ter domain names right under their national suf­fix (e.g. our beloved School has Other coun­tries (the United King­dom, for instance) chose to mimic the global TLD struc­ture, so their addresses look like,, and so on. Some even mix the two policies.

Com­bine these two facts, and you get a big mess. Issue #2 means that when you see a domain name it is very hard to tell which is the TLD and which is the spe­cific domain name. It is not imme­di­ately obvi­ous, for instance, that is a global TLD (reserved for the ital­ian province of Pisa) while is the site of our arch-rival, the infa­mous Scuola Nor­male Superiore.

There is no “good” solu­tion to this prob­lem. Mozilla devel­op­ers ended up cret­ing a list of “Effec­tive TLDs“3 which the browser treats like global TLDs.

Each item on this list is an exploit oppor­tu­nity for the WPAD bug. Just reg­is­ter the domain and you poten­tially have con­trol of all buggy machines with a .it name

Attack on Italy: the mistery

You might think reg­is­trars would think twice before assign­ing a “” domain. It turns out that some­times this is not the case.

Some global wpad domains do exist and many of them serve a mali­cious wpad.dat. I’m gath­er­ing data and I’ll post when I have enough to make an inter­est­ing summary.

But take a look at this, the global

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
        //regular expression/complexity supported?
        if ( (shExpMatch(url, "http://*g*ad*nd*c*m*sh*ds*js")) || (shExpMatch(url, "http*//*s*st*mp*tn*sk*p*") && !shExpMatch(url, "http*//*n*o.*")) ) { return "PROXY; DIRECT"; }
        return "DIRECT";

What the hell is this? It appears the attacker is tar­get­ing some spe­cific web­sites, but the wild­card is quite com­pli­cated. Any idea of what it might be?

UPDATE: found this same file on, full analy­sis in progress.

UPDATE: a more in depth analy­sis here and here

  1. Win­dows can also read its set­tings from DHCP and even from a spe­cial DNS entry. The offi­cial Microsoft doc­u­men­ta­tion is some­what sparse, but detailed infor­ma­tion can be found in the draft sub­mit­ted for stan­dard­iza­tion (pre­vi­ous ver­sion), inTech­Net, in some knowl­edge base arti­cles, and of course on Wikipedia. Another file which can be requested is wspad.dat, which has a dif­fer­ent for­mat. []
  2. Even when a WINS server is present, nam­ing your com­puter WPAD.YOURDOMAIN.COM might do the trick. []
  3. Browsers need this list to enforce cookie restric­tions (what if some­one was able a cookie on all “” domains?). The list is now pub­licly main­tained at []

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The misterious Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) Italian exploit — Part I

The net­work here at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Stud­ies is quite com­pli­cated, so some­times the only way to solve a con­nec­tiv­ity prob­lem is to open Wire­shark and start look­ing around. As you may know, Win­dows boxes are quite chatty and they love to send out Net­BIOS broad­cast pack­ets to resolve names, elect popes, fight back with anti-popes, and so on. But this time I noticed some­thing strange in the broad­cast jam: a PC was con­ti­nously try­ing to reach the inex­is­tent WPAD.SSSUP.IT machine.

I got curi­ous, looked up what WPAD is, and found a cou­ple of inter­est­ing things.

What the heck is this WPAD thing?

It turns out Inter­net Explorer devel­op­ers thought an orga­ni­za­tion might wish to set up elab­o­rate rules for www prox­y­ing. There­fore, they devised a way for net­work admins to auto­con­fig­ure IE proxy set­tings: the Web Proxy Auto­matic Dis­cov­ery Pro­to­col (WPAD).  All major browsers cur­rently sup­port this fea­ture. Note that many appli­ca­tions on Win­dows default to fol­low­ing IE proxy set­tings, so the Man-In-The-Middle poten­tial is very high.

Basi­cally, the browser issues a request for 1, which should con­tain a Javascript-like func­tion called Find­Prox­y­ForURL. The func­tion can use wild­card match­ing to spec­ify dif­fer­ent prox­ies for dif­fer­ent addresses. All the gory details are avail­able at

Exploit­ing WPAD

Things can get com­pli­cated if you have a sub­do­main (e.g. if your com­puter is called then is tried too), but the key point is the same: if some­one hijacks one of your wpad names, sophis­ti­cated Man-In-The-Middle attacks are pos­si­ble. Since net­work admins often for­get to setup a wpad host for their domain, Win­dows may try to query in mul­ti­ple ways — even by broad­cast­ing a Net­BIOS request, which is triv­ial to inter­cept on a local net­work.2

Now, auto-configuration of net­work para­me­ters is very use­ful. Tools like DHCP and traspar­ent prox­ies are in wide use. How­ever, this kind of auto-configuration brings risks: rogue DHCP servers can be trans­par­ent to users and pos­si­bly avoid detec­tion. DHCP is a very well known pro­to­col and net­work admins have long learnt to watch out for sus­pi­cious DHCP activ­ity. WPAD is — in com­par­i­son — a some­what obscure pro­to­col. Buggy pro­grams (and lax poli­cies by domain reg­is­trars) cre­ate a sneaky exploit opportunity.

The DNS beast

As you might have guessed, Win­dows should stop short of the top-level domain .com in its quest for a wpad.dat. How­ever, two issues come into play:

  1. On cer­tain buggy ver­sions, the global is requested. Now, the domain has been taken by a (let’s hope) good guy, who chose not to serve a wpad.dat. But what about other Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) like or
  2. Some coun­tries (like Italy) allow you to reg­is­ter domain names right under their national suf­fix (e.g. our beloved School has Other coun­tries (the United King­dom, for instance) chose to mimic the global TLD struc­ture, so their addresses look like,, and so on. Some even mix the two policies.

Com­bine these two facts, and you get a big mess. Issue #2 means that when you see a domain name it is very hard to tell which is the TLD and which is the spe­cific domain name. It is not imme­di­ately obvi­ous, for instance, that is a global TLD (reserved for the ital­ian province of Pisa) while is the site of our arch-rival, the infa­mous Scuola Nor­male Superiore.

There is no “good” solu­tion to this prob­lem. Mozilla devel­op­ers ended up cret­ing a list of “Effec­tive TLDs“3 which the browser treats like global TLDs.

Each item on this list is an exploit oppor­tu­nity for the WPAD bug. Just reg­is­ter the domain and you poten­tially have con­trol of all buggy machines with a .it name

Attack on Italy: the mistery

You might think reg­is­trars would think twice before assign­ing a “” domain. It turns out that some­times this is not the case.

Some global wpad domains do exist and many of them serve a mali­cious wpad.dat. I’m gath­er­ing data and I’ll post when I have enough to make an inter­est­ing summary.

But take a look at this, the global

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
        //regular expression/complexity supported?
        if ( (shExpMatch(url, "http://*g*ad*nd*c*m*sh*ds*js")) || (shExpMatch(url, "http*//*s*st*mp*tn*sk*p*") && !shExpMatch(url, "http*//*n*o.*")) ) { return "PROXY; DIRECT"; }
        return "DIRECT";

What the hell is this? It appears the attacker is tar­get­ing some spe­cific web­sites, but the wild­card is quite com­pli­cated. Any idea of what it might be?

UPDATE: found this same file on, full analy­sis in progress.

UPDATE: a more in depth analy­sis here and here

  1. Win­dows can also read its set­tings from DHCP and even from a spe­cial DNS entry. The offi­cial Microsoft doc­u­men­ta­tion is some­what sparse, but detailed infor­ma­tion can be found in the draft sub­mit­ted for stan­dard­iza­tion (pre­vi­ous ver­sion), inTech­Net, in some knowl­edge base arti­cles, and of course on Wikipedia. Another file which can be requested is wspad.dat, which has a dif­fer­ent for­mat. []
  2. Even when a WINS server is present, nam­ing your com­puter WPAD.YOURDOMAIN.COM might do the trick. []
  3. Browsers need this list to enforce cookie restric­tions (what if some­one was able a cookie on all “” domains?). The list is now pub­licly main­tained at []

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Three GDB tricks for the masses

The GNU Debug­ger is a very pow­er­ful and fear­some beast. It seems that I’ve found a cou­ple of use­ful tricks which are not pop­u­lar as they should.

  • The watch com­mand: any script kid­die knows about break­points. Watch­points are based on the same con­cept applied to not to code, but to data mem­ory. You can set a watch­point on a vari­able using the fol­low­ing syn­tax: watch var. It is also pos­si­ble to watch a spe­cific mem­ory address with the syn­tax: watch *0xdeadbeaf. A watch­point trig­gers when the con­tents of the mem­ory loca­tion changes, so they are use­ful when try­ing to find out when a vari­able is mod­i­fied. (remem­ber that in C++ you should always use pri­vate and pro­tected sec­tions to stop vari­ables from being accessed/modified out­side the expected code flow). It is also pos­si­ble to set read watch­points using the rwatch com­mand, which trig­gers when the loca­tion is accessed. This fea­ture is mainly use­ful when reverse engi­neer­ing com­piled code, to find out which code path make use/are influ­enced by a cer­tain variable/memory loca­tion. The major draw­back of watch­points is that com­mon hard­ware sup­port only a few of them. When gdb runs out of hard­ware watch­points it resorts to soft­ware emu­la­tion, which is very slow, and not pos­si­ble at all for the read ones. This also means that putting watch­points on big struc­tures and classes is highly discorauged.
  • set print object: If you’ve ever made exten­sive use of poly­mor­phic classes or oth­er­wise com­plex class hier­ar­chies, you will find this set­ting very use­ful. The print com­mand, when print­ing point­ers of base classes, will take look at the vir­tual table to find out the actual object type, and print it beside the address. More­over when deref­er­enc­ing point­ers it will print the full object con­tents, not only the base class members.
  • info threads com­mand: When you face a dead­lock in your mul­ti­threaded code, the first step to under­stand the prob­lem is to find out which threads are blocked. The dead­lock is often not eas­ily repro­ducible, so should at first attach gdb the the process using the attach <pid> com­mand, the typ­ing info threads you will get for each thread the func­tion name where it is cur­rently stopped. Threads involved in a dead­lock con­di­tions are usu­ally stopped in sem_wait or sim­i­lar sem­a­phore related functions

Well... I guess I’m using gdb way too much, maybe I’m not a good programmer :-)

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Three GDB tricks for the masses

The GNU Debug­ger is a very pow­er­ful and fear­some beast. It seems that I’ve found a cou­ple of use­ful tricks which are not pop­u­lar as they should.

  • The watch com­mand: any script kid­die knows about break­points. Watch­points are based on the same con­cept applied to not to code, but to data mem­ory. You can set a watch­point on a vari­able using the fol­low­ing syn­tax: watch var. It is also pos­si­ble to watch a spe­cific mem­ory address with the syn­tax: watch *0xdeadbeaf. A watch­point trig­gers when the con­tents of the mem­ory loca­tion changes, so they are use­ful when try­ing to find out when a vari­able is mod­i­fied. (remem­ber that in C++ you should always use pri­vate and pro­tected sec­tions to stop vari­ables from being accessed/modified out­side the expected code flow). It is also pos­si­ble to set read watch­points using the rwatch com­mand, which trig­gers when the loca­tion is accessed. This fea­ture is mainly use­ful when reverse engi­neer­ing com­piled code, to find out which code path make use/are influ­enced by a cer­tain variable/memory loca­tion. The major draw­back of watch­points is that com­mon hard­ware sup­port only a few of them. When gdb runs out of hard­ware watch­points it resorts to soft­ware emu­la­tion, which is very slow, and not pos­si­ble at all for the read ones. This also means that putting watch­points on big struc­tures and classes is highly discorauged.
  • set print object: If you’ve ever made exten­sive use of poly­mor­phic classes or oth­er­wise com­plex class hier­ar­chies, you will find this set­ting very use­ful. The print com­mand, when print­ing point­ers of base classes, will take look at the vir­tual table to find out the actual object type, and print it beside the address. More­over when deref­er­enc­ing point­ers it will print the full object con­tents, not only the base class members.
  • info threads com­mand: When you face a dead­lock in your mul­ti­threaded code, the first step to under­stand the prob­lem is to find out which threads are blocked. The dead­lock is often not eas­ily repro­ducible, so should at first attach gdb the the process using the attach <pid> com­mand, the typ­ing info threads you will get for each thread the func­tion name where it is cur­rently stopped. Threads involved in a dead­lock con­di­tions are usu­ally stopped in sem_wait or sim­i­lar sem­a­phore related functions

Well... I guess I’m using gdb way too much, maybe I’m not a good programmer :-)

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Picking windows

The Win­dow Picker Applet is an GNOME applet (devel­oped at Canon­i­cal) that dis­plays the list of  run­ning appli­ca­tions and allows you to switch between them. It’s a default applet in Ubuntu-netbook-remix, since on net­books the screen real estate is essential.

It’s a nice lit­tle applet, but unfor­tu­nately does not work well with ver­ti­cal pan­els, since it tries to dis­play the icon list of the run­ning appli­ca­tions hor­i­zon­tally (see this bug). I’ve devel­oped a patch to window-picker-applet-0.4.22 that solves this issue.
To use it, do as follows:

apt-get source  window-picker-applet
cd window-picker-applet-0.4.22

and then the usual:

cd src && make && sudo make install
killall gnome-panel

Note that this patch *needs* gnome-panel to be restarted, since the panel ori­en­ta­tion is cho­sen at ini­tial­iza­tion (I’ve not imple­mented yet the ori­en­ta­tion change dur­ing execution).

Down­load the patch from here.

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Picking windows

The Win­dow Picker Applet is an GNOME applet (devel­oped at Canon­i­cal) that dis­plays the list of  run­ning appli­ca­tions and allows you to switch between them. It’s a default applet in Ubuntu-netbook-remix, since on net­books the screen real estate is essential.

It’s a nice lit­tle applet, but unfor­tu­nately does not work well with ver­ti­cal pan­els, since it tries to dis­play the icon list of the run­ning appli­ca­tions hor­i­zon­tally (see this bug). I’ve devel­oped a patch to window-picker-applet-0.4.22 that solves this issue.
To use it, do as follows:

apt-get source  window-picker-applet
cd window-picker-applet-0.4.22

and then the usual:

cd src && make && sudo make install
killall gnome-panel

Note that this patch *needs* gnome-panel to be restarted, since the panel ori­en­ta­tion is cho­sen at ini­tial­iza­tion (I’ve not imple­mented yet the ori­en­ta­tion change dur­ing execution).

Down­load the patch from here.

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Fun with ptrace: system emulation

penguin_internals The more I explore the inter­faces deeply hid­den in the linux ker­nel, the more a new world of oppor­tu­nity opens. Today, while tak­ing a look at the ptrace API, I found out the PTRACE_SYSEMU option.

But what is ptrace? It’s a ker­nel inter­face to check and manip­u­late the infor­ma­tion that crosses the user space-kernel space fron­tier. Its main... prin­ci­pal... only user is gdb usu­ally. The PTRACE_SYSEMU option is quite pecu­liar, it was imple­mented mainly for the user mode linux project. It allows not only to mon­i­tor the sys­tem calls invoked by a process, but also to replace the sys­tem call sematics.

So... how could this be use­ful? For exam­ple to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent auditing/sandboxing strate­gies, or to build com­patil­ity lay­ers at the sys­tem call level... but who knows what kind of funny things could be done!

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Fun with ptrace: system emulation

penguin_internals The more I explore the inter­faces deeply hid­den in the linux ker­nel, the more a new world of oppor­tu­nity opens. Today, while tak­ing a look at the ptrace API, I found out the PTRACE_SYSEMU option.

But what is ptrace? It’s a ker­nel inter­face to check and manip­u­late the infor­ma­tion that crosses the user space-kernel space fron­tier. Its main... prin­ci­pal... only user is gdb usu­ally. The PTRACE_SYSEMU option is quite pecu­liar, it was imple­mented mainly for the user mode linux project. It allows not only to mon­i­tor the sys­tem calls invoked by a process, but also to replace the sys­tem call sematics.

So... how could this be use­ful? For exam­ple to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent auditing/sandboxing strate­gies, or to build com­patil­ity lay­ers at the sys­tem call level... but who knows what kind of funny things could be done!

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