Lightspark 0.7.0 released

Lightspark 0.7.0 has been released, includ­ing sev­eral months of improve­ments and bug fixes.

Ver­sion 0.7.0:

* Sup­port LZMA com­pressed SWFs [Requires liblzma]
* Improved Bitmap­Data sup­port
* Improved Action­Script com­pat­i­bil­ity
* Improved vir­tual machine per­for­mance and mem­ory con­sump­tion
* Improved XML sup­port
* Exper­i­men­tal sup­port for byte­code opti­miza­tion at run­time
* Improved Exter­nal­In­ter­face (browser inte­gra­tion) sup­port
* Improved per­for­mance of JPEG load­ing
* Sup­port for XML­Socket
* Com­pletely redesigned and improved mask­ing support

You can grab a copy of the sources from launch­pad as usual.

I would also like to ask for infor­ma­tion on a spe­cific prob­lem the project is fac­ing. We are encoun­ter­ing more sites that tries to load library code in the form of SWZ files, which seems to be undoc­u­mented (prob­a­bly obfuscated/encrypted) flash files. Any infor­ma­tion on how to parse/load them is appreciated.

  • lol­ren

    SWZ file is an Adobe Flex Signed RSL. Use Flex 3 runtime-shared-libraries (RSLs) to reduce the size of your flash appli­ca­tions and thereby reduce the time required to down­load the appli­ca­tion. RSLs are just SWF files whose code is used as a shared library between dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion SWF files. Signed RSLs (SWZ) are libraries that are signed by Adobe and may be stored in the Flash Player Cache, which can be accessed by appli­ca­tions from any domain. :) go OSS flash go!!

  • lol­ren

    SWZ file is an Adobe Flex Signed RSL. Use Flex 3 runtime-shared-libraries (RSLs) to reduce the size of your flash appli­ca­tions and thereby reduce the time required to down­load the appli­ca­tion. RSLs are just SWF files whose code is used as a shared library between dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion SWF files. Signed RSLs (SWZ) are libraries that are signed by Adobe and may be stored in the Flash Player Cache, which can be accessed by appli­ca­tions from any domain. :) go OSS flash go!!


    good work, keep it up!


    good work, keep it up!

  • Nick Zam­par­ello

    This sounds really nice! Any plans of an android port? There’s a lot of nexus 7 users out there that would appre­ci­ate it. :-)

  • Nick Zam­par­ello

    This sounds really nice! Any plans of an android port? There’s a lot of nexus 7 users out there that would appre­ci­ate it. :-)

  • Det
  • Det
  • bricky149

    Any chance of a Win­dows version?

    I think Flash Player is becom­ing bloated and I would like to try and move to Lightspark. The 0.5.x release is out­dated so a more recent one is appreciated.


  • bricky149

    Any chance of a Win­dows version?

    I think Flash Player is becom­ing bloated and I would like to try and move to Lightspark. The 0.5.x release is out­dated so a more recent one is appreciated.


  • San­dra

    @lolren Very inter­est­ing. Do you know if the pub­lic key is pub­licly available?

    Would be legal to dis­trib­ute it with lightspark or should be user down­load it?

  • San­dra

    @lolren Very inter­est­ing. Do you know if the pub­lic key is pub­licly available?

    Would be legal to dis­trib­ute it with lightspark or should be user down­load it?

  • Pingback: Релиз свободного Flash-плеера Lightspark 0.7 | — Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах

  • Pingback: Релиз свободного Flash-плеера Lightspark 0.7 | — Всероссийский портал о UNIX-системах

  • Kai Mast

    Does lightspark dis­able the screen­saver when watch­ing a video?
    Thats a fea­ture I really miss when using flash :/

  • Kai Mast

    Does lightspark dis­able the screen­saver when watch­ing a video?
    Thats a fea­ture I really miss when using flash :/

  • Det
  • Det
  • Ryan

    Needs more sup­port for pornog­ra­phy sites. The only solu­tion at the moment is to jerk off with pro­pri­etary software.

  • Ryan

    Needs more sup­port for pornog­ra­phy sites. The only solu­tion at the moment is to jerk off with pro­pri­etary software.

  • Alexey Bavshin

    In cur­rent imple­men­ta­tion, SWZ is just 60 – 70 bytes of RSL header + swf file + sig­na­ture at the end of file. So skip­ping this header until magic sequence (CWS/ZWS/etc) appears should be enough to load library.
    I haven’t seen any pub­licly avail­able specs on swz for­mat, keys or any­thing else that could be use­ful for imple­ment­ing full sup­port of RSL. So I’m too inter­ested in addi­tional info :)

  • Alexey Bavshin

    In cur­rent imple­men­ta­tion, SWZ is just 60 – 70 bytes of RSL header + swf file + sig­na­ture at the end of file. So skip­ping this header until magic sequence (CWS/ZWS/etc) appears should be enough to load library.
    I haven’t seen any pub­licly avail­able specs on swz for­mat, keys or any­thing else that could be use­ful for imple­ment­ing full sup­port of RSL. So I’m too inter­ested in addi­tional info :)

  • Det

    My link wasn’t helpful?

  • Det

    My link wasn’t helpful?

  • Shane Bundy

    Any chance of a Win­dows ver­sion? I want to replace Flash on this sys­tem and the 0.5.x release is too out­dated or me.

  • Shane Bundy

    Any chance of a Win­dows ver­sion? I want to replace Flash on this sys­tem and the 0.5.x release is too out­dated or me.

  • davr

    SWZ is basi­cally a “signed” SWF file. I believe there should always be a cor­re­spond­ing .swf file for every .swz, because older flash play­ers did not sup­port swz. You should be able to just load the swf instead of the swz when requested and every­thing should work fine.

  • davr

    SWZ is basi­cally a “signed” SWF file. I believe there should always be a cor­re­spond­ing .swf file for every .swz, because older flash play­ers did not sup­port swz. You should be able to just load the swf instead of the swz when requested and every­thing should work fine.

  • Alex

    Does it still have issues with Youtube and Dailymotion?

  • Alex

    Does it still have issues with Youtube and Dailymotion?

  • Boaz

    Please build Lightspark 0.7 for Pre­cise on your PPA.

  • Boaz

    Please build Lightspark 0.7 for Pre­cise on your PPA.

  • wensel

    Any pos­si­bil­i­ties of get­ting some love for the desk­top os used by 90% of mor­tals? ty.

  • wensel

    Any pos­si­bil­i­ties of get­ting some love for the desk­top os used by 90% of mor­tals? ty.

  • kneekoo

    Great work, guys! :) Hope to see more progress soon. :)

    Happy New Year!

  • kneekoo

    Great work, guys! :) Hope to see more progress soon. :)

    Happy New Year!

Lightspark 0.7.0 released

Lightspark 0.7.0 has been released, includ­ing sev­eral months of improve­ments and bug fixes.

Ver­sion 0.7.0:

* Sup­port LZMA com­pressed SWFs [Requires liblzma]
* Improved Bitmap­Data sup­port
* Improved Action­Script com­pat­i­bil­ity
* Improved vir­tual machine per­for­mance and mem­ory con­sump­tion
* Improved XML sup­port
* Exper­i­men­tal sup­port for byte­code opti­miza­tion at run­time
* Improved Exter­nal­In­ter­face (browser inte­gra­tion) sup­port
* Improved per­for­mance of JPEG load­ing
* Sup­port for XML­Socket
* Com­pletely redesigned and improved mask­ing support

You can grab a copy of the sources from launch­pad as usual.

I would also like to ask for infor­ma­tion on a spe­cific prob­lem the project is fac­ing. We are encoun­ter­ing more sites that tries to load library code in the form of SWZ files, which seems to be undoc­u­mented (prob­a­bly obfuscated/encrypted) flash files. Any infor­ma­tion on how to parse/load them is appreciated.