See you in a week!

Me and most of my engi­neer­ing col­leagues here at Sant’Anna School for Advanced Stud­ies are leav­ing tomor­row morn­ing for a week long tour of uni­ver­si­ties and labs in Bel­gium and Nether­lands. This means I’ll have no time to work on Lightspark, sorry :-)

Any­way the 0.4.5 release will be prob­a­bly out in the last days of the month. The crit­i­cal bug in libxml++ is now fixed as my patch was accepted upstream. If (as I believe) a new ver­sion of the library will be released and pack­aged before i get back there will be no rea­son to hold the release any­more.

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  • Mur­ray Cumming

    I’m a lit­tle con­fused. Planet GNOME says that this blog is by Luca Inv­ernizzi (lin­v­ernizzi), but the libxml++ patch seems to be from an Alessan­dro Pig­notti. Are you both people?

  • Mur­ray Cumming

    I’m a lit­tle con­fused. Planet GNOME says that this blog is by Luca Inv­ernizzi (lin­v­ernizzi), but the libxml++ patch seems to be from an Alessan­dro Pig­notti. Are you both people?

  • Luca Inv­ernizzi

    Yep, we share the blog: it started as a way to speak about our side projects at school.
    I “tricked” planet gnome into accept­ing Alessandro’s posts, because they needed some spot­light when the project was mostly unknown. Now lightspark has all the attentions :D

  • Luca Inv­ernizzi

    Yep, we share the blog: it started as a way to speak about our side projects at school.
    I “tricked” planet gnome into accept­ing Alessandro’s posts, because they needed some spot­light when the project was mostly unknown. Now lightspark has all the attentions :D

  • Mur­ray Cumming

    I sug­gest he gets his own blog then, to avoid confusion.

  • Mur­ray Cumming

    I sug­gest he gets his own blog then, to avoid confusion.

See you in a week!

Me and most of my engi­neer­ing col­leagues here at Sant’Anna School for Advanced Stud­ies are leav­ing tomor­row morn­ing for a week long tour of uni­ver­si­ties and labs in Bel­gium and Nether­lands. This means I’ll have no time to work on Lightspark, sorry :-)

Any­way the 0.4.5 release will be prob­a­bly out in the last days of the month. The crit­i­cal bug in libxml++ is now fixed as my patch was accepted upstream. If (as I believe) a new ver­sion of the library will be released and pack­aged before i get back there will be no rea­son to hold the release any­more.

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