Getting Things GNOME!       —       GSoC review (#9)

This week in “Get­ting Things Gnome!” devel­op­ment of mul­ti­ple backends:

  • As for yesterday’s post, we can now auto­mat­i­cally import (some) Evo­lu­tion mails in GTG
  • I’ve been work­ing on the Remem­ber The Milk back­end to speed it up. Since RTM allows only one API call per sec­ond, any­thing cacheable must be cached.
  • I’ve been test­ing and fix­ing the couchdb back­end. Now it syncs on ubuntu one with­out error on my machine. It would be great if some­one is will­ing to test it. Keep in mind that ubuntu one is sync­ing couchdb data­bases every ten min­utes or so. Instruc­tions on how to test are here.

Next week, I’ll be at GUADEC! I really don’t know if I’ll have the time to work on this at all, but if I do, it will be all about the RTM backend.

See you in Den Haag (or L’Aia, in Ital­ian. I won­der why..)!

  • Dami­ano Venturin

    good! can’t wait to see the improvements :-)

  • Dami­ano Venturin

    good! can’t wait to see the improvements :-)

Getting Things GNOME!       —       GSoC review (#9)

This week in “Get­ting Things Gnome!” devel­op­ment of mul­ti­ple backends:

  • As for yesterday’s post, we can now auto­mat­i­cally import (some) Evo­lu­tion mails in GTG
  • I’ve been work­ing on the Remem­ber The Milk back­end to speed it up. Since RTM allows only one API call per sec­ond, any­thing cacheable must be cached.
  • I’ve been test­ing and fix­ing the couchdb back­end. Now it syncs on ubuntu one with­out error on my machine. It would be great if some­one is will­ing to test it. Keep in mind that ubuntu one is sync­ing couchdb data­bases every ten min­utes or so. Instruc­tions on how to test are here.

Next week, I’ll be at GUADEC! I really don’t know if I’ll have the time to work on this at all, but if I do, it will be all about the RTM backend.

See you in Den Haag (or L’Aia, in Ital­ian. I won­der why..)!