Getting Things GNOME!      —      GSoC review (#7)

This week, I’ve started to work on  two back­ends planned for my GSoC on “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.
One is the Remem­ber The Milk back­end, for which I’ve writ­ten the authen­ti­ca­tion sys­tem and started to sync task titles (I already have the code for the rest in the old plu­gin, but it will need a bit of refac­tor­ing to make it eas­ier to read and com­pat­i­ble to the new back­end sys­tem).
The more inter­est­ing back­end is the one based on couchdb, which should enable to keep two GTG instal­la­tions in sync. This back­end should also work on the Ubuntu, which has a couchdb imple­men­ta­tion which dif­fers a lit­tle bit from the stan­dard (e.g. deleted records are not really deleted, but are “marked” as deleted — FYI, a good tuto­r­ial on Couchdb and Python is the one on Ars by Ryan Paul). Any­way, so far, it’s work­ing nicely, although it’s not yet sup­port­ing all the fea­tures of a  gtg Task.

Next week, I’m plan­ning to expand GTG Dates mod­ule to make seri­al­iz­ing dates eas­ier. I’ll also have to fin­ish and test threads destruc­tion upon clos­ing GTG, to ensure tasks oper­a­tions to be atomic.
ps: it seems that an API for Google Tasks should be announced soon. That would be a great back­end for GTG!
  • Stu­art Langridge

    Cool — I’m happy to chat about the desk­top­couch back­end for GTG if you’d like! (We know the deleted-records thing is weird; we’re going to fix that at some point. :))

  • Stu­art Langridge

    Cool — I’m happy to chat about the desk­top­couch back­end for GTG if you’d like! (We know the deleted-records thing is weird; we’re going to fix that at some point. :))

  • Jef Spaleta

    It will be inter­est­ing to see if GTG’s desk­top­couch back­end suf­fers from the same per­for­mance prob­lems as gwibber’s.

  • Jef Spaleta

    It will be inter­est­ing to see if GTG’s desk­top­couch back­end suf­fers from the same per­for­mance prob­lems as gwibber’s.

  • Dami­ano Venturin

    Do you think there will be a way to import Trac tick­ets too? Is there some­one work­ing on this topic?


  • Dami­ano Venturin

    Do you think there will be a way to import Trac tick­ets too? Is there some­one work­ing on this topic?


  • Luca Inv­ernizzi

    It can be done (Trac api is doc­u­mented here:–...), but no-one is cur­rently work­ing on it.

  • Luca Inv­ernizzi

    It can be done (Trac api is doc­u­mented here:–...), but no-one is cur­rently work­ing on it.

Getting Things GNOME!      —      GSoC review (#7)

This week, I’ve started to work on  two back­ends planned for my GSoC on “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.
One is the Remem­ber The Milk back­end, for which I’ve writ­ten the authen­ti­ca­tion sys­tem and started to sync task titles (I already have the code for the rest in the old plu­gin, but it will need a bit of refac­tor­ing to make it eas­ier to read and com­pat­i­ble to the new back­end sys­tem).
The more inter­est­ing back­end is the one based on couchdb, which should enable to keep two GTG instal­la­tions in sync. This back­end should also work on the Ubuntu, which has a couchdb imple­men­ta­tion which dif­fers a lit­tle bit from the stan­dard (e.g. deleted records are not really deleted, but are “marked” as deleted — FYI, a good tuto­r­ial on Couchdb and Python is the one on Ars by Ryan Paul). Any­way, so far, it’s work­ing nicely, although it’s not yet sup­port­ing all the fea­tures of a  gtg Task.

Next week, I’m plan­ning to expand GTG Dates mod­ule to make seri­al­iz­ing dates eas­ier. I’ll also have to fin­ish and test threads destruc­tion upon clos­ing GTG, to ensure tasks oper­a­tions to be atomic.
ps: it seems that an API for Google Tasks should be announced soon. That would be a great back­end for GTG!