Lightspark 0.4.1 released

Lightspark 0.4.1 has been released today, fea­tur­ing ini­tial YouTube sup­port, and of course the usual per­for­mance improve­ments. As the plu­gin is cur­rently very sta­ble every­one is invited to test and mea­sure the CPU con­sump­tion of lightspark ver­sus Adobe’s player. Dur­ing my pre­lim­i­nary tests lightspark resulted up to twice as fast! This is of course not a com­pletely fair com­par­i­son, as Lightspark is not fea­ture com­plete yet.

It should be noted that only the YouTube videos served using the new AS3 player are sup­ported, those are the ones with the new UI. YouTube cur­rently uses a legacy AS2/Flash8 player for older con­tent and that should be fully sup­ported by Gnash.

More­over, with this release, Lightspark has been reli­censed from GPL3 to LGPL3 to avoid licens­ing issue when dis­trib­ut­ing the plu­gin with non GPLed browsers such as Chrome

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  • Kevin Bowl­ing

    How do we run it from the com­mand line? I am fol­low­ing the “README” file and cre­ated a yt-args text file using the dumper script. I man­u­ally down­loaded watch_as3-vfl169211.swf.

    All I get is a brief win­dow cre­ation then exit and tons of NOT_IMPLEMENTED prints on stdout.

  • Kevin Bowl­ing

    How do we run it from the com­mand line? I am fol­low­ing the “README” file and cre­ated a yt-args text file using the dumper script. I man­u­ally down­loaded watch_as3-vfl169211.swf.

    All I get is a brief win­dow cre­ation then exit and tons of NOT_IMPLEMENTED prints on stdout.

  • Icek

    I tried mozilla plu­gin. It crashed my sys­tem when I tried view youtube video. All I saw was some gray rec­tan­gle in right bot­tom cor­ner of the screen. I’m on Lucid with ati 3200hd and oss driver

  • Icek

    I tried mozilla plu­gin. It crashed my sys­tem when I tried view youtube video. All I saw was some gray rec­tan­gle in right bot­tom cor­ner of the screen. I’m on Lucid with ati 3200hd and oss driver

  • Giorg

    ” that should be fully sup ported by Gnash.“
    Can we install Gnash and Lightspark along­side? I didn’t think so! Is the choos­ing of one or another auto­mat­i­cal? Or is it a planned feature?

  • Giorg

    ” that should be fully sup ported by Gnash.“
    Can we install Gnash and Lightspark along­side? I didn’t think so! Is the choos­ing of one or another auto­mat­i­cal? Or is it a planned feature?

  • apig­notti

    Please report this bug on launch­pad detail­ing your sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion (CPU/video card/video driver)

  • apig­notti

    Please report this bug on launch­pad detail­ing your sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion (CPU/video card/video driver)

  • Bjo­ern

    I would be inter­ested in the posi­tion­ing of Light­park to Gnash and Swfdec. Why have you decided to cre­ate another free flash player instead of con­tribut­ing to one of the exist­ing play­ers? Are there some tech­ni­cal reasons?

    Btw. great to have a free flash player with youtube support!

  • Bjo­ern

    I would be inter­ested in the posi­tion­ing of Light­park to Gnash and Swfdec. Why have you decided to cre­ate another free flash player instead of con­tribut­ing to one of the exist­ing play­ers? Are there some tech­ni­cal reasons?

    Btw. great to have a free flash player with youtube support!

  • apig­notti

    run­ning it like
    lightspark –p yt-args watch_as3-vfl169211.swf
    should be enough, if not please report the bug on launch­pad. Which video have you passed to the dumper script?

  • apig­notti

    run­ning it like
    lightspark –p yt-args watch_as3-vfl169211.swf
    should be enough, if not please report the bug on launch­pad. Which video have you passed to the dumper script?

  • apig­notti

    I’ve taken a look around gnash code and it’s not the kind of code where it’s easy to inte­grate mod­ern func­tion­al­ity. When work­ing on par­al­lel code every­thing should be designed from the begin­ning to be thread safe. More­over, lightspark has been designed to be effi­cient on mod­ern, main­stream architecture.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve taken a look around gnash code and it’s not the kind of code where it’s easy to inte­grate mod­ern func­tion­al­ity. When work­ing on par­al­lel code every­thing should be designed from the begin­ning to be thread safe. More­over, lightspark has been designed to be effi­cient on mod­ern, main­stream architecture.

  • Peter

    Look­ing in launch­pad I can only see the 0.4.0 release. Is the 0.4.1 release on launch­pad or elsewhere?

  • Peter

    Look­ing in launch­pad I can only see the 0.4.0 release. Is the 0.4.1 release on launch­pad or elsewhere?

  • apig­notti

    I’ve added the 0.4.1 tar­ball. Thanks for the report.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve added the 0.4.1 tar­ball. Thanks for the report.

  • Ale­jan­dro Nova.

    I try to com­pile this on Fedora 13 and I stall here, because of the DSO link­ing feature.

    [ 94%] Built tar­get spark
    Link­ing CXX exe­cutable lightspark
    /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib64/llvm/libLLVMSystem.a(DynamicLibrary.o): unde­fined ref­er­ence to sym­bol ‘dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5′
    /usr/bin/ld: note: ‘dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5′ is defined in DSO /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.4/../../../../lib64/ so try adding it to the linker com­mand line
    /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.4/../../../../lib64/ could not read sym­bols: Invalid oper­a­tion
    collect2: ld devolvió el estado de sal­ida 1
    make[2]: *** [lightspark] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/lightspark.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    How can I fix this? Any hint?

  • Ale­jan­dro Nova.

    I try to com­pile this on Fedora 13 and I stall here, because of the DSO link­ing feature.

    [ 94%] Built tar­get spark
    Link­ing CXX exe­cutable lightspark
    /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib64/llvm/libLLVMSystem.a(DynamicLibrary.o): unde­fined ref­er­ence to sym­bol ‘dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5′
    /usr/bin/ld: note: ‘dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5′ is defined in DSO /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.4/../../../../lib64/ so try adding it to the linker com­mand line
    /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.4/../../../../lib64/ could not read sym­bols: Invalid oper­a­tion
    collect2: ld devolvió el estado de sal­ida 1
    make[2]: *** [lightspark] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/lightspark.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    How can I fix this? Any hint?

  • Peter

    I’m see­ing the same issues build­ing in F-14 regard­ing the issues seen with F-13 below.

    Also is there any plans to add sup­port for gstreamer for the under­ly­ing media side of things? This would allow easy sup­port of new codecs (such as WebM that adobe has said it will sup­port in Flash) as well as the use of things like HW accel­er­a­tion on dif­fer­ent plat­forms such as ARM etc where there’s quite a bit of sup­port for gstreamer HW acceleration.

  • Peter

    I’m see­ing the same issues build­ing in F-14 regard­ing the issues seen with F-13 below.

    Also is there any plans to add sup­port for gstreamer for the under­ly­ing media side of things? This would allow easy sup­port of new codecs (such as WebM that adobe has said it will sup­port in Flash) as well as the use of things like HW accel­er­a­tion on dif­fer­ent plat­forms such as ARM etc where there’s quite a bit of sup­port for gstreamer HW acceleration.

  • apig­notti

    Not yet, but I’m think­ing about a way to fall back on gnash.

  • apig­notti

    Not yet, but I’m think­ing about a way to fall back on gnash.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve cho­sen FFm­peg for its light­weight. Sup­port for VP8 and Vor­bis (the streams con­tained in WebM) is guar­an­teed by FFm­peg. FFm­peg also includes sup­port for libVa which should in the future wrap all the var­i­ous HW decod­ing fea­tures. More­over, I don’t like the idea of main­tain­ing more than a back­end, and FFm­peg has proven to be pretty good per­for­mance wise. I will of course wel­come any con­tri­bu­tions and per­for­mance test with GStreamer.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve cho­sen FFm­peg for its light­weight. Sup­port for VP8 and Vor­bis (the streams con­tained in WebM) is guar­an­teed by FFm­peg. FFm­peg also includes sup­port for libVa which should in the future wrap all the var­i­ous HW decod­ing fea­tures. More­over, I don’t like the idea of main­tain­ing more than a back­end, and FFm­peg has proven to be pretty good per­for­mance wise. I will of course wel­come any con­tri­bu­tions and per­for­mance test with GStreamer.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve received sev­eral report of build prob­lems on Fedora. They are related to some weird dynamic load­ing con­fig­u­ra­tion I have no expe­ri­ence with. I’m hop­ing to get some feed­back upstream.

  • apig­notti

    I’ve received sev­eral report of build prob­lems on Fedora. They are related to some weird dynamic load­ing con­fig­u­ra­tion I have no expe­ri­ence with. I’m hop­ing to get some feed­back upstream.

  • Peter

    The prob­lems with FFm­peg is that it will never be pack­aged in Fedora and sim­i­lar dis­tros due to the use of var­i­ous codes. It also doesn’t really have a sta­ble api which I think is pos­si­bly part of the issue with com­pil­ing within fedora. I don’t think things like the Broad­com BCM70012 chipset are sup­ported through libVa at the moment and a lot of the ARM chipsets (see Nokia n900 for exam­ple) use a gstreamer spe­cific inter­face to the DSP.

  • Peter

    The prob­lems with FFm­peg is that it will never be pack­aged in Fedora and sim­i­lar dis­tros due to the use of var­i­ous codes. It also doesn’t really have a sta­ble api which I think is pos­si­bly part of the issue with com­pil­ing within fedora. I don’t think things like the Broad­com BCM70012 chipset are sup­ported through libVa at the moment and a lot of the ARM chipsets (see Nokia n900 for exam­ple) use a gstreamer spe­cific inter­face to the DSP.

  • Papouta

    May I sug­gest to read this post about a sim­i­lar prob­lem with a fix that could help you?

  • Papouta

    May I sug­gest to read this post about a sim­i­lar prob­lem with a fix that could help you?

  • Papouta

    Here’s a fix for this par­tic­u­lar bug inspired by the link I pro­vided :
    In CMakeList.txt

    How­ever, I’m not an expert in prog, so it may not be the real prob­lem and I may be wrong in how to point where the fix goes. I’m just try­ing to help. With this fix, I get the same error as pre­vi­ously encoun­tered when I tried to com­pile two weeks ago :

    Link­ing CXX exe­cutable lightspark
    /usr/bin/ld: libspark.a(geometry.cpp.o): unde­fined ref­er­ence to sym­bol ‘gluTessProp­erty’
    /usr/bin/ld: note: ‘gluTessProp­erty’ is defined in DSO /usr/lib64/ so try adding it to the linker com­mand line
    /usr/lib64/ could not read sym­bols: Invalid oper­a­tion
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit sta­tus
    make[2]: *** [lightspark] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/lightspark.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

  • Papouta

    Here’s a fix for this par­tic­u­lar bug inspired by the link I pro­vided :
    In CMakeList.txt

    How­ever, I’m not an expert in prog, so it may not be the real prob­lem and I may be wrong in how to point where the fix goes. I’m just try­ing to help. With this fix, I get the same error as pre­vi­ously encoun­tered when I tried to com­pile two weeks ago :

    Link­ing CXX exe­cutable lightspark
    /usr/bin/ld: libspark.a(geometry.cpp.o): unde­fined ref­er­ence to sym­bol ‘gluTessProp­erty’
    /usr/bin/ld: note: ‘gluTessProp­erty’ is defined in DSO /usr/lib64/ so try adding it to the linker com­mand line
    /usr/lib64/ could not read sym­bols: Invalid oper­a­tion
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit sta­tus
    make[2]: *** [lightspark] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/lightspark.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

  • Papouta

    I fixed the prob­lem with libGLU and another one that appeared after that about :
    (for libGLU) In CMakeList.txt
    @@ –51,1 +51,1 @@FIND_LIBRARY(lib_pthread pthread REQUIRED)

    (for librt) In CMakeList.txt where the fix for dynamic library was inserted by my pre­vi­ous fix
    + ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${CURL_LIBRARIES} –ldl –lrt)

    In other words, all the fixes con­sist in specif­i­cally telling to link to librt and libdl with the options –ldl and –lrt, and find­ing where the libGLU is located with FIND_LIBRARY(lib_glu GLU REQUIRED) as you do for libGLEW

  • Papouta

    I fixed the prob­lem with libGLU and another one that appeared after that about :
    (for libGLU) In CMakeList.txt
    @@ –51,1 +51,1 @@FIND_LIBRARY(lib_pthread pthread REQUIRED)

    (for librt) In CMakeList.txt where the fix for dynamic library was inserted by my pre­vi­ous fix
    + ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${CURL_LIBRARIES} –ldl –lrt)

    In other words, all the fixes con­sist in specif­i­cally telling to link to librt and libdl with the options –ldl and –lrt, and find­ing where the libGLU is located with FIND_LIBRARY(lib_glu GLU REQUIRED) as you do for libGLEW

  • Papouta

    I just dis­cov­ered that a bug in launch­pad had been filled and that details about a fix for Fedora (which are mostly the same thing that I pro­posed below) :

    –ldl –lGLU –lrt have to be appended :
    + ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${CURL_LIBRARIES} –ldl –lrt –lGLU)

  • Papouta

    I just dis­cov­ered that a bug in launch­pad had been filled and that details about a fix for Fedora (which are mostly the same thing that I pro­posed below) :

    –ldl –lGLU –lrt have to be appended :
    + ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${CURL_LIBRARIES} –ldl –lrt –lGLU)

Lightspark 0.4.1 released

Lightspark 0.4.1 has been released today, fea­tur­ing ini­tial YouTube sup­port, and of course the usual per­for­mance improve­ments. As the plu­gin is cur­rently very sta­ble every­one is invited to test and mea­sure the CPU con­sump­tion of lightspark ver­sus Adobe’s player. Dur­ing my pre­lim­i­nary tests lightspark resulted up to twice as fast! This is of course not a com­pletely fair com­par­i­son, as Lightspark is not fea­ture com­plete yet.

It should be noted that only the YouTube videos served using the new AS3 player are sup­ported, those are the ones with the new UI. YouTube cur­rently uses a legacy AS2/Flash8 player for older con­tent and that should be fully sup­ported by Gnash.

More­over, with this release, Lightspark has been reli­censed from GPL3 to LGPL3 to avoid licens­ing issue when dis­trib­ut­ing the plu­gin with non GPLed browsers such as Chrome

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