Archive for July, 2010

Lightspark 0.4.2 RC3... almost ready

Hav­ing now sound syn­chro­niza­tion fully work­ing Lightspark has all the fea­ture pro­grammed for the 0.4.2 release! So no new big changes will be intro­duced, except for crit­i­cal bugs reported.

But there are more big news! As I’ve revamped the plu­gin by switch­ing from the old dep­re­cated Xt inter­face to GTK, Lightspark has also gained Chrome/Chromium Plu­gin sup­port and sup­port for the new Out Of Process mode offered by newer ver­sions of Fire­fox for improved sta­bil­ity and crash free experience.

More­over, a con­trib­u­tor is cur­rently port­ing Lightspark for the Pow­erPC plat­form and the work is cur­rently in a very advanced stage. So PPC guys cheer up, Flash is coming!

I’m not sure those fea­ture will be sta­ble enough for the final 0.4.2 but will be surely included in the early 0.4.3 release cycle.

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Lightspark 0.4.2 RC3... almost ready

Hav­ing now sound syn­chro­niza­tion fully work­ing Lightspark has all the fea­ture pro­grammed for the 0.4.2 release! So no new big changes will be intro­duced, except for crit­i­cal bugs reported.

But there are more big news! As I’ve revamped the plu­gin by switch­ing from the old dep­re­cated Xt inter­face to GTK, Lightspark has also gained Chrome/Chromium Plu­gin sup­port and sup­port for the new Out Of Process mode offered by newer ver­sions of Fire­fox for improved sta­bil­ity and crash free experience.

More­over, a con­trib­u­tor is cur­rently port­ing Lightspark for the Pow­erPC plat­form and the work is cur­rently in a very advanced stage. So PPC guys cheer up, Flash is coming!

I’m not sure those fea­ture will be sta­ble enough for the final 0.4.2 but will be surely included in the early 0.4.3 release cycle.

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Getting Things GNOME!       —       GSoC review (#8)

Hello and wel­come to my GSoC report for my eighth week of work about sup­port­ing mul­ti­ple back­ends in “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.

This week, I’ve fin­ished the first com­plete ver­sion of the couchdb back­end. This one is sup­port­ing all GTG’s fea­tures (sub­tasks, tags, fuzzy dates...), so it can be used as default back­end (instead of the xml one).

Its per­for­mances are fairly good: for small and medium sets of tasks (I’ve been test­ing it with ~500 tasks) it’s a tad slower than the xml one, but I sus­pect that for big tasks sets there are speed advan­tages. Any­way, being GTG 0.3 fully asyn­cro­nous, users shouldn’t even notice it.

I’ve writ­ten a unit-test for it, and started to check how it behaves with repli­cat­ing couchdb data­bases. It works quite well (a few crashes occur from time to time), but I’ll test it a bit more next week.

I haven’t been able to get auto­matic repli­ca­tion of the data­base via Ubuntu One so far. I’m start­ing to think that some­thing is wrong in my installation.

Next week, I’ll keep on test­ing the couchdb back­end and I’ll work on fin­ish­ing the RTM one (which should be the last big one, since the Evo­lu­tion one is very easy, thanks to the nice api).


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Getting Things GNOME!       —       GSoC review (#8)

Hello and wel­come to my GSoC report for my eighth week of work about sup­port­ing mul­ti­ple back­ends in “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.

This week, I’ve fin­ished the first com­plete ver­sion of the couchdb back­end. This one is sup­port­ing all GTG’s fea­tures (sub­tasks, tags, fuzzy dates...), so it can be used as default back­end (instead of the xml one).

Its per­for­mances are fairly good: for small and medium sets of tasks (I’ve been test­ing it with ~500 tasks) it’s a tad slower than the xml one, but I sus­pect that for big tasks sets there are speed advan­tages. Any­way, being GTG 0.3 fully asyn­cro­nous, users shouldn’t even notice it.

I’ve writ­ten a unit-test for it, and started to check how it behaves with repli­cat­ing couchdb data­bases. It works quite well (a few crashes occur from time to time), but I’ll test it a bit more next week.

I haven’t been able to get auto­matic repli­ca­tion of the data­base via Ubuntu One so far. I’m start­ing to think that some­thing is wrong in my installation.

Next week, I’ll keep on test­ing the couchdb back­end and I’ll work on fin­ish­ing the RTM one (which should be the last big one, since the Evo­lu­tion one is very easy, thanks to the nice api).


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Getting Things GNOME!      —      GSoC review (#7)

This week, I’ve started to work on  two back­ends planned for my GSoC on “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.
One is the Remem­ber The Milk back­end, for which I’ve writ­ten the authen­ti­ca­tion sys­tem and started to sync task titles (I already have the code for the rest in the old plu­gin, but it will need a bit of refac­tor­ing to make it eas­ier to read and com­pat­i­ble to the new back­end sys­tem).
The more inter­est­ing back­end is the one based on couchdb, which should enable to keep two GTG instal­la­tions in sync. This back­end should also work on the Ubuntu, which has a couchdb imple­men­ta­tion which dif­fers a lit­tle bit from the stan­dard (e.g. deleted records are not really deleted, but are “marked” as deleted — FYI, a good tuto­r­ial on Couchdb and Python is the one on Ars by Ryan Paul). Any­way, so far, it’s work­ing nicely, although it’s not yet sup­port­ing all the fea­tures of a  gtg Task.

Next week, I’m plan­ning to expand GTG Dates mod­ule to make seri­al­iz­ing dates eas­ier. I’ll also have to fin­ish and test threads destruc­tion upon clos­ing GTG, to ensure tasks oper­a­tions to be atomic.
ps: it seems that an API for Google Tasks should be announced soon. That would be a great back­end for GTG!


Getting Things GNOME!      —      GSoC review (#7)

This week, I’ve started to work on  two back­ends planned for my GSoC on “Get­ting Things Gnome!”.
One is the Remem­ber The Milk back­end, for which I’ve writ­ten the authen­ti­ca­tion sys­tem and started to sync task titles (I already have the code for the rest in the old plu­gin, but it will need a bit of refac­tor­ing to make it eas­ier to read and com­pat­i­ble to the new back­end sys­tem).
The more inter­est­ing back­end is the one based on couchdb, which should enable to keep two GTG instal­la­tions in sync. This back­end should also work on the Ubuntu, which has a couchdb imple­men­ta­tion which dif­fers a lit­tle bit from the stan­dard (e.g. deleted records are not really deleted, but are “marked” as deleted — FYI, a good tuto­r­ial on Couchdb and Python is the one on Ars by Ryan Paul). Any­way, so far, it’s work­ing nicely, although it’s not yet sup­port­ing all the fea­tures of a  gtg Task.

Next week, I’m plan­ning to expand GTG Dates mod­ule to make seri­al­iz­ing dates eas­ier. I’ll also have to fin­ish and test threads destruc­tion upon clos­ing GTG, to ensure tasks oper­a­tions to be atomic.
ps: it seems that an API for Google Tasks should be announced soon. That would be a great back­end for GTG!


Lightspark 0.4.2 RC2... it shines!

I’m very proud to announce the the sec­ond release can­di­date of Lightspark 0.4.2: the mod­ern, effi­cient and open source Flash Player imple­men­ta­tion. Thanks to all the peo­ple that tested the project and reported feed­back on the bug tracker and on the IRC chan­nel, with­out their help this awe­some results would have not been possible.

Although we’re still miss­ing a cou­ple of fea­ture before the real 0.4.2 most of the pieces are already in place. Let’s see what you can expect from this release:

  • Youtube sup­port for H264 videos. Cur­rently only those are sup­ported as they are played using the Action Script 3 based player. This may seem a huge lim­i­ta­tion, but actu­ally a huge part of the YouTube con­tents are avail­able in H264 for­mat. This lim­i­ta­tion will go away when lightspark will be able to fall back to Gnash. This fea­ture is sched­uled for 0.4.3
  • Even faster video pre­sen­ta­tion after a bit of refine­ment of the SSE2 based video packer
  • Sound sup­port using pulseau­dio. If you want to try Lightspark with­out installing the pulse server that’s ok, as Lightspark detects at run­time if the  server is avail­able and if not it just politely dis­ables sound.

As usual you can grab the source from Launch­pad

Offi­cial binary pack­ages for Ubuntu Lucid and Debian test­ing are avail­able from my PPA (in launch­pad build queue as I’m writing)

Pack­ages for Fedora 13 are also avail­able here

As I men­tioned before we’re not yet ready for the final release as the fol­low­ing issues needs to be fixed:

  • Sound is not synchronized
  • Sound sam­ple rate is not always cor­rectly detected

Beside those known issue, every­thing should be pretty ok. So go on, give it a try!


Lightspark 0.4.2 RC2... it shines!

I’m very proud to announce the the sec­ond release can­di­date of Lightspark 0.4.2: the mod­ern, effi­cient and open source Flash Player imple­men­ta­tion. Thanks to all the peo­ple that tested the project and reported feed­back on the bug tracker and on the IRC chan­nel, with­out their help this awe­some results would have not been possible.

Although we’re still miss­ing a cou­ple of fea­ture before the real 0.4.2 most of the pieces are already in place. Let’s see what you can expect from this release:

  • Youtube sup­port for H264 videos. Cur­rently only those are sup­ported as they are played using the Action Script 3 based player. This may seem a huge lim­i­ta­tion, but actu­ally a huge part of the YouTube con­tents are avail­able in H264 for­mat. This lim­i­ta­tion will go away when lightspark will be able to fall back to Gnash. This fea­ture is sched­uled for 0.4.3
  • Even faster video pre­sen­ta­tion after a bit of refine­ment of the SSE2 based video packer
  • Sound sup­port using pulseau­dio. If you want to try Lightspark with­out installing the pulse server that’s ok, as Lightspark detects at run­time if the  server is avail­able and if not it just politely dis­ables sound.

As usual you can grab the source from Launch­pad

Offi­cial binary pack­ages for Ubuntu Lucid and Debian test­ing are avail­able from my PPA (in launch­pad build queue as I’m writing)

Pack­ages for Fedora 13 are also avail­able here

As I men­tioned before we’re not yet ready for the final release as the fol­low­ing issues needs to be fixed:

  • Sound is not synchronized
  • Sound sam­ple rate is not always cor­rectly detected

Beside those known issue, every­thing should be pretty ok. So go on, give it a try!


Getting Things GNOME!     —     GSoC review (#6)

This week has been busy for me, since I have (just a few hours ago) dis­cussed my mas­ter the­sis. Any­way, now I’m going to be work­ing full time on GTG, which is nice.

So, this week I have fin­ished the first ver­sion of the Launch­pad back­end (import­ing in a read-only fash­ion launch­pad bugs assigned to some­body in GTG). I’m think­ing if it would be inter­est­ing to have the pos­si­bil­ity of chang­ing some­thing about the bug through its task in GTG, but I haven’t found nice ideas so far. I’ll  look into mak­ing a bugzilla back­end, since many peo­ple requested that.

Sec­ondly, I’ve writ­ten an export back­end to Zeit­geist, so that tasks that have been com­pleted are also vis­i­ble there. This makes it easy to see what it has been done day by day. Another approach would be inform­ing Zeit­geist when a task gets mod­i­fied, cre­ated and so on (like a reg­u­lar doc­u­ment). While this sec­ond approach is more “zeit­geisty” (since it leaves a trace of the activ­ity of the user), I think that for todo items the impor­tant infor­ma­tion to keep trace of is when they get done. I’ll see what users pre­fer when they start using it, or you can leave your opin­ion in the com­ments here.

I’ve also writ­ten a patch to gnome-activity-journal to sup­port TODO items (which are sup­ported in Zeit­geist 0.4 which has just been released, and GAJ is being updated to use that).
That’s what you should get in Sep­tem­ber (~ planned GTG release time):

Next week, I’ve a lot of things to do. A few of them are:

  • I’ll add a “remem­ber the milk” back­end, which will have a series of advan­tages ver­sus my old plu­gin (auto­matic sync­ing is one of them)
  • I’ll review and ask for merg­ing to trunk the code for my UI and the tomboy back­end, so that other devel­op­ers and brave users can start using my code
  • I’ll make order among my threads, since a few libraries that I used have a series of syn­chro­nous calls which can make clos­ing GTG slower than nor­mal. I’ve dis­cussed this with a friend (the cre­ator of Lightspark), and a few inter­est­ing ideas have come out.

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Getting Things GNOME!     —     GSoC review (#6)

This week has been busy for me, since I have (just a few hours ago) dis­cussed my mas­ter the­sis. Any­way, now I’m going to be work­ing full time on GTG, which is nice.

So, this week I have fin­ished the first ver­sion of the Launch­pad back­end (import­ing in a read-only fash­ion launch­pad bugs assigned to some­body in GTG). I’m think­ing if it would be inter­est­ing to have the pos­si­bil­ity of chang­ing some­thing about the bug through its task in GTG, but I haven’t found nice ideas so far. I’ll  look into mak­ing a bugzilla back­end, since many peo­ple requested that.

Sec­ondly, I’ve writ­ten an export back­end to Zeit­geist, so that tasks that have been com­pleted are also vis­i­ble there. This makes it easy to see what it has been done day by day. Another approach would be inform­ing Zeit­geist when a task gets mod­i­fied, cre­ated and so on (like a reg­u­lar doc­u­ment). While this sec­ond approach is more “zeit­geisty” (since it leaves a trace of the activ­ity of the user), I think that for todo items the impor­tant infor­ma­tion to keep trace of is when they get done. I’ll see what users pre­fer when they start using it, or you can leave your opin­ion in the com­ments here.

I’ve also writ­ten a patch to gnome-activity-journal to sup­port TODO items (which are sup­ported in Zeit­geist 0.4 which has just been released, and GAJ is being updated to use that).
That’s what you should get in Sep­tem­ber (~ planned GTG release time):

Next week, I’ve a lot of things to do. A few of them are:

  • I’ll add a “remem­ber the milk” back­end, which will have a series of advan­tages ver­sus my old plu­gin (auto­matic sync­ing is one of them)
  • I’ll review and ask for merg­ing to trunk the code for my UI and the tomboy back­end, so that other devel­op­ers and brave users can start using my code
  • I’ll make order among my threads, since a few libraries that I used have a series of syn­chro­nous calls which can make clos­ing GTG slower than nor­mal. I’ve dis­cussed this with a friend (the cre­ator of Lightspark), and a few inter­est­ing ideas have come out.

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