A little VIM trick

This is a lit­tle use­ful trick for VIM users. As you may know VIM sup­ports tabbed edit­ing using the :tab­new com­mand. It is then pos­si­ble to switch between tabs using the :tab­next and :tabprev com­mand. A faster short­cut is to add these two lines to the vimrc

nnoremap <F1> :tabprev
nnoremap <F2> :tabnext

Now you can use F1/F2 keys to switch between tabs.

  • Mateusz Mojsiejuk

    iI my dis­tro, using the default map­pings page up / page down seem suf­fi­cient. Maybe yours have the same bindings?

  • Mateusz Mojsiejuk

    iI my dis­tro, using the default map­pings page up / page down seem suf­fi­cient. Maybe yours have the same bindings?

  • Ana­tol

    or you just go :ls and :b to the buffer you want to go, instead of cycling through tabs :)

  • Ana­tol

    or you just go :ls and :b to the buffer you want to go, instead of cycling through tabs :)

A little VIM trick

This is a lit­tle use­ful trick for VIM users. As you may know VIM sup­ports tabbed edit­ing using the :tab­new com­mand. It is then pos­si­ble to switch between tabs using the :tab­next and :tabprev com­mand. A faster short­cut is to add these two lines to the vimrc

nnoremap <F1> :tabprev
nnoremap <F2> :tabnext

Now you can use F1/F2 keys to switch between tabs.